Thursday, May 5, 2011

Game On!

Look! I'm blogging again, like I said I would! Amazing huh? I also wrote articles, like I said I would for the site. Here are links to the ones that went out this week if you want to see how amazing my writing skills are not:
1.) Info on Redbox expanding their $2 video game rental whatevers...

2.) Portal 2 price we blame PSN hackers?

3.) Lego Pirates of the Caribbean demo and who's the hotter Lego? Jack Sparrow or Will Turner?

I also got a PC game to review, that I'm no where close to done with, and an iphone game as well. Look for those next week.

And I guess that brings me to another topic. My cell phone has finally entered the whatever century this is. Gone is the dated old slide phone that I had been carrying around for two years that my sister lovingly refered to as "oooh so cute" and always asked me "What does it do?" To which I would always reply "nothing" and then pout.

One night last week I picked up my phone to be a proper nagging wife and ask him why he wasn't home yet as I was cleaning up the dinner I had slaved over which was now icy cold (Chinese food...tough work to drive to get it) and realized my phone didn't work. I was secretly hoping he had gotten all the hints I had dropped about what I wanted for my birthday. And by hints I mean constantly complaining for the last couple years that everyone has a cool phone and mine stinks! Then I would pout and stomp my feet. Hey, it works for the kids.

So yes, I got a brand new beautiful iphone 4. I'm still trying to figure everything out on it, but I'm loving it! Now I can play games on the computer and also on my iphone AT THE SAME TIME!!

Even more good news is that I took my final final today. My semester sucked total balls and I'm dissapointed in my grades, but I survived and am still smiling and alive so that's the important thing. I'm waiting on one final grade to come in which should be an A. I got a crappy B (and one B+) in my other three classes. Which is kind of good because I was sure I would get a C in math. So that part makes me slightly happy.

I have been gaming a bit more and having a blast doing it. Overall it's been a good week. Hubbie and I had a little forced together time this week while we watched The Green Hornet, which was pretty amusing and had us laughing out loud. Last week we watched The King's Speech which was also fairly amusing and a great (and mostly true) story. My Intro to Exceptionalities (or whatever that class was called) teacher suggested it because the King had a stutter, and I agree that it was good to watch.

Hmmm...what else? Oh my Birthday is tomorrow! Did all of you go to and send a beer to ? You did get me a present right? I love that site, you can send someone a gift card for a "beer" and only spend like $6 and make someone's day. For when you can't be there to take them out for a drink,!

Since it is my birthday AND Mother's Day I booked us a room at the Hard Rock at Universal Studios Orlando. We'll go ride roller coasters and swim in the pool and chillax all weekend. Good stuffs.

Tune in next week for more blah blah blah's by me.

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