Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rain, rain go away...

I've decided to make an effort to blog at least once a week. I'm not sure if I'll stick with it or not, because I always set goals and then give up but you never know. Maybe I'll actually follow through on this one. I mean, how hard can it be to sit here and type some total crap once a week?

I left everyone with some pretty depressing news last blog. I'd like to say that immediately after I posted my blog that life got back to normal, but as it always goes when things go wrong, things just seem to keep going wrong. My "experience" didn't end swiftly and I found myself dealing with bloodtests and emotions and hormonal imbalances for an entire month after that. But finally it seems that things are getting back to semi-normal for me.

Or so I thought...

Aside from the drama surrounding family members with health issues that I'm not supposed to talk about, I got a call today that my Grandmother is in the hospital. That sucks, but I haven't heard yet as to why she's in the hospital so for now I'm going to pretend it's nothing major and that she'll come home all happy and healthy very soon.

But that's not all...

My military hubbie is up for new orders this year, right? We were hoping to get back to Jacksonville but that wasn't a reality. So we figured we'd settle for staying where we are in Pensacola for a couple more years, and that was looking really good. Until it didn't happen. You know what did happen???

Yokosuka,JAPAN...for two years.

Now we get to figure out how to work this the best way. Obviously we both have exes and kids with exes and can't drag everyone with us so where does that leave us? Who knows. There are a lot of tough decisions to be made and regardless of what we all decide is right for our family, there will be some pain and heartache associated with whatever choice is made for all of us.

So since this year has been tremendously awful for me I sat down and thought of a way to get out of my rut. I wasn't gaming much, health/emotional issues caused me to stop caring about my weight loss goals for the year, and life was just plain depressing me. So my starter plan is to do more things for me. Goals include:

1.) Blog once a week.
I really do enjoy blogging.

2.) Get back to the gym.
My weight loss goals are still attainable for the year, but I'm going to have to want it...badly.

Where is the me that used to stay up until 2am playing games and laughing and chatting with friends? I miss her, I miss my games. There's no time during the day with school and baby to fit in any real gaming so I'm going to make an effor to play a little more at night time. It's hard though, because hopping in bed with hubbie always looks sooo tempting. But I'm going to try to play more...with games...not hubbie...he'll still be there in the morning.

4.) Work harder on my podcast.
If anyone doesn't know by now that I've been doing a podcast at for over two years now then shame on you. We lost a co-host recently (more bad news) and have been hunting a new one. So that made us stop and think about how to switch up the show and make it better because I DO love our little show and I think we could become something even more amazing. I hope we get the opportunity to prove that.

What this all means is of course I'm still going to be super mom and super student and take care of things that need to be taken care of, but I didn't die when I got remarried...I didn't stop being me...and I still need to do things that I enjoy also or else what fun is life?

Now that I have all of that out of the way I promise to at least blog next week, and this time...I'll actually talk about games some.

I am playing the heck out of Rift for PC right now, and currently have my "toon" up to level 27.

1 comment:

  1. its about 1 am now, wanna game? xbox style, lol gigitty. GAMERTAG: MetalBoxFan
