Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

Blah kind of sums up the way I've been feeling lately. I completely forgot just how fun it is to chase a "pre-toddler" around. I have the feeling that Hailey is completely capable of walking. She however is a diva of a baby and figures that she has people to do that for her. It's almost as if she starts walking and then decides it's just not worth the effort and she goes back to crawling.

Sounds like she has a case of the "blah's" too.

Hubbie is off for some training in Virginia, which is probably just secret military code for some guy retreat touring the strip clubs of Las Vegas or something. Who am I to question him? While he's gone I'm enjoying a couple weeks of not shaving my legs, fixing my hair, or brushing my teeth.

I'm kidding...that's nasty...I'm totally fixing my hair.

I'm making progress on my goals, but not as quickly as I had hoped. In my defense it seems like fate, or whatever it is that throws off your plans, is screwing with me. This is no big suprise as I am all to familiar with drama. Drama and I like to take long walks on the beach and hold hands and skip and stuff...we're cool like that. But sometimes it seems like drama is being a little too suffocating in our relationship.

Take this week for example. On Monday morning I tell Hannah that we're going to start taking walks each day after school. The weather is gorgeous right now and we just had to take advantage of it. No sooner had the words come out of my mouth when I noticed we had a herd of prison workers trimming trees in our neighborhood. Who wants to walk with their families when there are prisoners with tree choppers roaming around? They've been here all week.

Then, this morning I'm in the middle of watching Hailey toss the lovely breakfast I made her onto the floor one peice at a time while she says "Uh-oh" when the power goes out. I blame the tree-trimming convicts for that one. With no power and not much else planned for the day I decided to take Hailey to daycare and hit the gym for an hour. It inspired an article that I posted today to can read that here if you'd like.

Now I'm all motivated and finally getting to the gym again. My application for drop off daycare for Hailey had just been accepted yesterday, and the power outage Gods had motivated me to go, so I was going to just keep on going. After we get home I notice Hailey is acting kind of cranky, and feeling a little toasty. Seriously...did a freaking hour at daycare make her sick? I realize it doesn't work that way, but sure enough she's got a fever of 100.

So no gym for tomorrow, and most likely we'll spend all weekend sick instead of spending it with Ethan. You're killing me here drama :{

I have been gaming more though, and writing more. I'm pretty pleased with myself on that note. Classes started up this week and I have been going crazy trying to keep up with the house and the crazy baby, helping Hannah reach her reading goal at school, sort the house out (Did I mention we're moving soon?) and watering the dead grass Bill bought for the yard that isn't our own.

Articles for this week:

1.) My gym article (See up there somewhere)

2.) Ubisoft Goes Hollywood I'm not excited about the prospect of more video game movies because they all suck to me, but I was thrilled to hear about the upcomming Raving Rabbids cartoons :)

3.) I picked up Lego Pirates of the Carribean

4.) A little Fiction Friday article complete with a hilarious bathroom interview!

5.) And yet another iPhone review

If you happen to read any of those articles please leave a random comment in the comment section on THAT website.

I've been playing a ton of RIFT. There is a new "Ascend a Friend" program so if you or someone you know has been wanting to try it please let me know and I will send you a free 7 day trial. It's a great PC game and I'd be playing it right now if my damned mouse hadn't died AGAIN. I can't game with a wired mouse, it just feels wrong.

In regards to our future moving and living arrangements we did make an offer on a house last week, and it was accepted. Of course drama isn't making it a simple and pain-free process so everyone please keep their fingers crossed that things work out well for us.

I could write more, but I figure you're bored and I could be doing more important things like playing Zuma Blitz and posting an insanely high score that my husband will never beat, because it makes me happy :)

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