Saturday, April 10, 2010

7 Days - Come baby come baby baby come come!

As eventful and promsing as day 9 seemed, day 8 was the exact opposite. Mom asked a billion times "Are you feeling anything?" and my answer was always a dissapointing "NO". Still crampy and sore. A short walk around Blockbuster with the kid to pick out a movie was painful. But still no baby. In her defense she has a week until she's "supposed" to be here so I really can't complain too much.

It's 39 weeks today. Everyone including myself really thought that this being my third pregnancy I would go early. Haha, you were all wrong. I can't say I'm feeling any new symptoms right now either. I'm dead tired. I got a great nights sleep last night. Hubbie wasn't snoring, or if he was I slept through it for once. And aside from waking up a few times with my hips screaming at me I had a restful night. I can't remember the weird dreams I had but I remember my sister being in them. Hi Jen!

My awesome parents are still hanging out, just in case. They're afraid as soon as they start driving home that the baby will start coming. If that's all it takes I'll offer to pay for their gas!

As soon as I'm done being lazy and goofing off on the computer I think we're all going to take a trip out to Blackwater State Park and put our feet in the river. Maybe the walk on the boardwalk will get things moving. The last couple weeks I didn't want to do too much walking. First of all it's really uncomfortable, and the other reason being I just wasn't ready. Too much crazy stuff with school, and spring break. But now it's the weekend and my parents are here so what better time??

I'll probably end up doing nothing more than wearing myself out, and hopefully getting rid of the farmers tan I got last weekend. At 39 weeks pregnant you can be fat and wear a sleevless top and not care, even if you do have a hideous farmers tan.

Everyone keep their fingers crossed and send baby vibes our way. I'm really not wanting to do the whole labor thing, it sucks royally, but we might as well get it over with now.

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