Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 1/2 Weeks - Face Down Butt Up!

Normally I wouldn't share a picture of myself in such a state. I'm huge! But I figure this will be the last time I'm pregnant, ever, or else!!! So why not embrace it? That's a heck of a lot of belly and I still have a few weeks to go?? But there I am, today, and I ain't ashamed!! Man the harpoons!

So I had my 36 week checkup today. I was hoping they'd check "up there" and tell me I'm dialated or some junk and give me an earlier due date, but nope. They left it alone. I did get a lovely Group B Strep swab by the wanna stick that WHERE? But that wasn't bad at all.

Baby kept me up the majority of the night last night. She wasn't just moving, she was waging a mini baby war in my belly. This went on for hours. I really didn't think things could stretch out any further but boy did she prove me wrong. Bill said it looked like their was an alien in there. If so, that's from his half of the genes, we have no aliens in our family. Although I've still never figured out how my sister was blonde...hmmm.

Anyhooo between the wiggling and the heartburn (from WHAT?!?!?!) I was up past 2am and had to get up at 6am and am hoping I'll sleep well tonight.

All the wiggling must have been productive though. She had been transverse up until then. Which for you non-preggie people means she wasn't head down, which is the way babies need to be to come out properly. I think all that horrid wiggling was her worming her way into the right position. Lucky me, otherwise the docs would have had to manually move her into the right spot, and everything I've read tells me that isn't very pleasant.

So two docs checked and said yes, she's head down, and then they did a quick ultrasound to be sure. Of course the big screen on the ultrasound machine was broken so I got to see NOTHING! Doc #1 says "oooh she has a big head!" I freak out, and say "What do you MEAN big head?!?!?" Then Doc #1 says he's just joking, they all look big at this point. And then I kick him in the face. No not really, but that is NOT what a pregnant woman wants to hear. That big head has to come out eventually and I know where it comes out from!!

So to put it plainly for you old school music lovers she's "Face Down and A$$ Up" and hopefully ready to worm her way out sometime soon.

I gained 5 pounds. I suppose eating Rolo's at midnight wasn't helpful. But I figured if I was going to have heartburn I was going to have chocolate too, which probably doesn't help with heartburn, but I don't care!!!

While I've been pregnant they've come out with a 55 calorie beer just for my dieting needs. I'll be just fine.

They don't measure the belly anymore, but as of my last checkup I was still measuring almost 2 weeks ahead. Does that mean baby will come sooner? Or was that just extra room for her HUGE head?

Next appt will be in two weeks at the hospital I'll be delivering at so I'll finally get to see the L&D ward. oh goodie. If I make it until then. Mom and hubbie are both betting I'll go early and as long as she's ready I say BRING IT ON!! Bill suggested I start packing my bag for the hospital so I did.

I also went out today and bought Hannah a new outfit, a card, wrapped up the new book in a series that she wanted, and got her a nice silver mother daughter necklace. Everything is all gift wrapped in an overnight bag for her for when I have to go to the hospital. It's just been the Hannah and Mommy show mostly for the last ten years so I want to make sure she still feels special and all that other gay crap. She's very excited about having a sister though and can't wait for the baby to arrive.

That's it for now, next week?? Spring break...yippee...*sigh*


  1. I'm so happy for you guys, and I can tell you're glowing! I'm also glad you're making sure Hannah knows that she's still special and won't be lost in the mix. How is your numbness in your hands going?

  2. Pregnant? Really? I thought you were just smuggling a hot air balloon. While it was inflated.

    I'm still wondering why belly buttons aren't pop up timers in women so you know when it's time to grab that bag (meaning suitcase, not hubby) and go to the hospital. It'd be a pretty cool genetic mutation. Maybe mutation isn't a good word to use considering you just mentioned something about a big head. HUGE, I think was the word.

  3. Look at you!!! And I got the blond hair from the mailman, that's what daddy said. Now to see if that mailman has won the lottery!

    You look great, very good to know that pregnancy in the family doesn't make us look disgusting, see I have my goals.

    "And then I kick him in the face" I use this term almost every day.

    <3 you!
