Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stupid Christmas cookies...

Well I just got back from my 25 week checkup. The Doc was on vacation so I'm a week behind on visits. Everything is still going great, but I definitely packed the pounds on over Christmas. I knew I would, but that tilt of the scale still freaks you out a bit. Besides, I left my shoes on...and they weight at least 5 pounds, right? I guess if you figure it's been 5 week since my last visit, 10 pounds isn't THAT bad, that's like 2 pounds a week. God lord I'm getting fat...lol. Oh well. The doctor was not worried at all and told me that gaining a total of 13 pounds at 25 weeks was really good and I shouldn't worry at all. I said I'm sure everyone gained weight over the holidays but he said NO he actually LOST weight over the holidays and that's when I kicked him in the face.

Doc said not to worry about the insomnia that is driving me crazy. He also said that nap I took yesterday was a big no no, but gosh darn it I was soooo tired. Benadryl is ok to take, but it hasn't been working for me. Luckily I'm a stay at home mom, or so he says, but that full load of classes I'm going to be taking still requires my brain to function there doctor smarty pants!! If it's still bugging me at the next visit he'll address it then. It may have just been stress (lord knows I've been under some) and the extra stuff going on from the holidays and hopefully I'll get back to normal soon.

I finally got an update on how my ultrasound went, he said everything looks great. Baby is sitting breech and I told him that the majority of the ass kicking the baby is giving me is still extremely low so I'm sure she's still hanging around all funky in there. It's really an unpleasant feeling you know, getting kicked in your butt and your bladder all the time. I told the Doc this and he just laughed at me. He said we'll do a quick ultrasound at my 28 week checkup to see if she's flipped herself around the right way. Yipeee!! Another ultrasound! That's about the ONLY thing to look forward to on the next visit.

I go back in three weeks for my 28 week checkup...glucose test time, and blood work...WAH! I still tried to get out of it, but he said Nuh-uh no way. I guess pouting doesn't work as well when your lips are all fat from eating ten pounds of candy cane cookies.

Oh and he measured my belly and said I'm measuring a little big, at 27. For those that don't know, your belly at this point should measure along with how far you are, so I should be at 25 since I'm 25 weeks. He still insists the baby will be born on April 17th right on time, and on his birthday.

Everything is still good though, a little swelling but I've had that all along, heartbeat is perfect and everyone is still hanging in there! I'm going to go have some more cookies now...tata!

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