Monday, February 4, 2019

Still Alive...

She likes math and made a math board game :)

Who has a blog and never updates it? This girl! I seriously forgot this blog even existed and after nearly two years randomly remembered it because...I don't remember why. So I figured I should at the very least post here.

How much has happened since 2017? SO MUCH. But instead of updating you on that specifically I'm just going to tell you exactly what I'm doing right now in this moment. Typing obviously. But also trying to learn how my youngest daughter operates. She's having trouble sleeping and I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that she's got that high IQ gifted brain.

I never gave any of my older children screen time limits. My oldest is now a double major in college and doing well, so I figured however I raised her wasn't the worst thing ever. She turned out pretty amazing. But this youngest one...she's not sleeping so well.

So last night when she said she couldn't sleep I turned on a low light and handed her a book. I told her to read for as long as she'd like. That seemed to work for her. Tonight I told her no TV, video games, etc an hour before bath time. I expected some sort of major rebellion but no...this wonderful little girl is plopped on the couch with her face in a book and I'm so proud.

She has crafts, a big desk in her room with all the things in the world to create, board games, a library of books. But she loves games. No clue where she got that from. LOL. I'm pleased to see that when asked to do off screen stuff she slipped into it easily.

As someone who was in the gifted program as a child I feel like I understand her a lot. Even before she was tested I knew and I parented her a little differently. Or maybe I parented her differently because I was an older parent with more knowledge of how to parent. And maybe that's why she's doing so well. Or maybe it's because she has so many family members around giving her their time. Either way she's a lucky girl with a lot of wonderful people around her and she's learning SO MUCH.

So that's my evening. Sitting here typing while watching her read quietly on the couch. I tried to talk to her but I got shushed and figured I'd also find something quiet to do.

Anyhoo, hope the three of you that still follow this, likely because you also forgot it exists, are doing well. Maybe I'll write again. Maybe I'll forget about it for another couple years. Heck, with as much as I've learned about websites I could make this prettier...but for now I like this old setup.

Comment if you're still around :)

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