Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weight Loss - Month 1 Summary and Progress

Like most people, I have started off many new years with the intention of losing weight. I have yet to ever stick to my goals and have any success whatsoever. This year IS my year, I started thinking about this a couple months before January and when the year started I sat down and spent a considerable amount of time creating a journal to help me track my goals.

In my journal I am tracking my "Ultimate Goal" which is to have lost 36 pounds by my Birthday on May 6th. Each month in my journal takes up just one single page. I do not obsess over my journal, instead it is there for me to log my weight once per week so that I can see if I am tracking for my goal, or if I need to push myself a little harder during the next week. I also have set a slightly higher goal for the month, one that will make me push myself just a little harder and if this goal is attained each month I get an extra reward.

For January my goals for fitness were simple: Exercise 3x a week.

My diet goals:
1.) Track ALL food intake using MyFitnessPal
2.) Reach my 1200 calorie goal each day
3.) Take a multivitamin each day

Weight loss needed to reach my "Ultimate Goal" : 8.48 pounds

Actual weight lost: 9.2 pounds

MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

My reward for reaching my goals and attaining the proper weight loss to reach my "Ultimate Goal" this month was a new pair of shoes and a workout outfit. If you remember my "Poo shoe" story from my first day going to the gym you know I already purchased my shoes, they're wonderful and comfortable and do not make my toes go numb like my other pair of shoes

My "Pushing myself" goal was to lose 10 pounds, which I did not. I'm definitely not dissapointed in myself at all. During the month of January I battled the flu, the stress of my husband leaving to go back to Japan, the stress of being home alone with the kids, and the evil demon that is BROWNIES.

I have to also take into account the fact that I didn't get started on my month until January 5th, which did affect how much time I had to reach my goals this month.

But I lost 9 pounds. 9 pounds!!! I also have lost 2.5 inches off my waist, which is my most problematic area. I am hoping that I don't look 6 months pregnant when I relax my belly in the near I burned over 6000 calories last month by walking with the kids, playing Dance Central 2, and during the last part of the month getting a gym membership and going every other day so far for a total of 5 trips.

I've added many new friends on MyFitnessPal, which is a FREE service for those of you who are trying to reach health and fitness goals. We are all cheering each other on, and the constant contact with my friend Kelly Brown is really helping us both out as we talk about our food, exercise, and our shame when we cheat :)

Also helping me out is my memo board I have at eye level when I sit down at my computer desk. This was the suggestion of another wonderful friend and I currently have notes with my weekly goal, and where I started the month at. My FAVORITE note on the board is the one that says where I will be at the end of the month if I reach my goal. Just seeing that number will motivate me each day.

At the end of February if I meet my goals I will be at a weight I have not seen since before I got pregnant with Hailey. I'll be able to retire my jeans, which are already getting loose, and pull out the brand new pairs of jeans and cute shirts I had purchased to wear to PAX Prime that year I came home thinking I had the PAX flu and ended up with an adorable new addition to the family instead.

If you are my friend on facebook you probably have noticed that I am posting a lot of stuff about diet, food, etc. I have quite a few friends that are also working towards fitness goals and I find that posting my frustrations, or fun new foods I find that work for me, and boasting about my success at the gym, really helps keep me motivated. So I hope that everyone understands that and isn't bothered by it too much.

Feel free to cheer me on and post some motivational comments on this blog. I really did work hard this month and I know that I'll have to work even harder this month to keep the momentum going. I'd love to hear your stories about your weight loss, past or present, any tips you have, favorite low calorie foods, snacks, drinks, fitness tips,ANYTHING you think will help.

If you don't feel comfortable posting your comments below (or don't know how Email me at and your words will just be for me.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me through this!


  1. I admire your determination and wish you success. and because I cannot help it, I will have to remind you to be careful in your goal settings and to check in with a doctor from time to time....
    Support groups are an essential component of successful weight loss and I believe you got that covered now...
    Anyway, congratulation on a good start....

  2. I met with my doctor before I started and have another appointment next week :) Thanks!!

    1. Awesome.
      Then keep up the good work. and by all means, post on FB, anything to keep motivation high....
      I am considering losing weight also and it will be definitely easier once I become single for a couple of months (wife and kids moving to Oregon and I stay in Utah)....I even have a plan to go walk the dogs every night....
      I am over 300lbs now since I stopped smoking....

  3. Awesome job! You've seen my posts and rants. Love it when people tell me to stop posting about my workouts or food/weight goals... Not my friends if they do not want to assist/read/care about what I am doing! Keep pushing!

  4. go to your local wal-mart and look for Great Value drink mix, it's sugar free and only 5 calories. i recommend the peach iced tea, fruit punch, lime margarita, grape, and cherry pomegranite flavors

  5. So, so, SO awesome! Way to go! You are doing so great. Keep up the great work!

  6. Way to go, Marcia! Reading aboiut your daily diet struggles and successes is keeping me motivated, too! Still 7 pounds away from my "9 months down" goal. Don't think I'll get there by Feb 9, but at least I will get there!

  7. I think you are amazing and I admire you greatly, girl! Keep up the good work! I am sure you will meet your ultimate goal and more!
