Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My New Scentsy Warmer: Disco Zombie Approved

Ever have one of those days where you wake up and realize your house kind of...stinks? Instead of cleaning over the weekend I spent the whole time keeping the kids busy and doing tons of fun things. Friday night we had pizza and did some Dance Central 2, Saturday I made cinnamon rolls, eggs, and strawberries for breakfast and then we rushed off to Ethan's football game. After the game there was McDonald's, walks to the park, chicken wing night, etc. Then Sunday we spent the whole day in Gainesville at the Medieval Faire. So we were non stop busy.

Sometimes your house is going to get smelly. Maybe I shouldn't have tossed that "special" diaper Hailey made me directly into the kitchen trash. Perhaps the kitty litter hasn't been changed in too long, and sure the dog could use a bath. So I was really THRILLED when my Scentsy warmer arrived on Monday. Bye bye smelly house!

I've seen Scentsy stuff around for years now on tables being sold at various events. I know of a few of my friends that have sold them before too, but I always assumed they were too expensive. Near the holidays I was trying to think of creative gift ideas for my Mom and Sister and also liked the benefit of helping out a fellow Mommy from my pregnancy group with Hailey. So I checked them out and was surprised at how affordable they are.

I got the cutest most "Jen" warmer and I hope she is loving it, and another one for my Mom that I know she is using because it is always on the countertop in her kitchen.

But I had yet to purchase one for myself. My friend was trying to reach a sales goal for January and only needed like $40 to reach it, so I simply HAD to purchase one for myself right? :)

I ended up getting the adorable bandanna FULL SIZE warmer for only $24 (gotta love the clearance section), plus 3 packs of scented wax that smell AMAZING for only $13, and to get it to $40 I got a little scented car air freshener too.

Considering the lingering scents that were already in my house I thought that I needed two blocks of the scented waxy to really make the house smell fresh again. (I had cleaned and opened the windows earlier so most of the yuck was out) Those of you that have been to our house know that it is large and very open, so that all the rooms flow together. So I was amazed when the scent filled the house instantly and I had to turn the warmer off because it was almost TOO strong! Next time I'm just using one chunk of scented wax.

It's now Wednesday and we've fired up the warmer a few times and there is still stuff in there. I'm amazed at how long it lasts. I used to be in love with my little glade warmer, that has scented wax too that barely lasts for a couple hours. I spent WAY more money on scents and stuff for that and it never worked this well.

One of my favorite parts about the warmer is the light that it gives off. It reminded me of disco lights so that's how my Plants Vs. Zombies Disco Zombie ended up near it, dancing his little undead heart out. Also that now makes this blog gaming related. Ta-dah!

If you are interested in buying or just checking out Scentsy stuffs please click HERE. The link is for my "online party" and if you buy enough stuff I may get free yummy smelling things. Also, you help out my friend who has an adorable little girl she is raising.

I think they're having a great sale right now too, and the stuff I got is even cheaper...figures :) Check out the "Quiver" scent, it's amazing!


  1. I do love my warmer, I have even gone so far to melt out the wax in my favorite Bath and Body works candles, you know that last ring around the bottom that won't burn anymore, to cut up and use in my lovely warmer. Mine is on the wine table in the dinning room so its lovely scent floats throughout the house.

  2. Did you run out of wax already? I bought it for you for Christmas, I figured that stuff would last forever, you must be burning it all day long :)
