Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flying Spaghetti Monster, with a side of hot dogs.

I love Facebook and all of my random friends. Today I saw a picture of a hot dog with spaghetti dangling out of it, and all I could think was...OMG what is that and how can I crate it?!?! Hailey LOVES hot dogs and pasta, and while I realize this isn't a healthy diet for a toddler, anyone who has a toddler knows that whatever you can get them to eat is a good thing!

The fact that I am on kid #3 and never realized this was out there makes me appreciate the internet even more. With all the information in the world that is out there it's impossible to learn everything in a lifetime. We all know this. The internet makes it easier for us to find things like this. Things that make you face palm your forehead and say, "Why didn't I think of that?"

The recipe for this is simple. Take a hot dog, cut it into evenly sized pieces. Then take your spaghetti (I used normal spaghetti, not thin, not angel hair), break it in half and stick it in the hot dogs in all kinds of funky shapes. Ethan did his in the shape of a body, head, arms, legs. Hannah did the end pieces and made them look like a squid. We seriously had fun with this project.

Before Shot:

Boil your spaghetti hot dog monstrosities for the cooking time it says for your pasta of choice. My older kids sampled them and said that the parts of pasta that were embedded into the hot dogs were still crunchy. They ate them anyway.

Hailey, who is 22 months was fixated on removing the pasta from her hot dogs.

SpaghettiHotdog2, food

She mostly just ate the pasta, and ignored the hot dogs.

SpaghettiHotdog, Fun food

Either way, it was a fun thing for the whole family and something I will definitely do again in the near future.

If you have other ideas for fun kid foods that I may not know about (other than ants on a log...) please share them!

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