Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One of those days.

Today was one of "those" days. I can't say I had a bad day, nor can I say the day was great. It was just one of those days where you find yourself sighing a whole bunch. I can't properly summarize it in a dozen facebook posts, nor is it really interesting enough to blog about. However, this being my personal blog, I can post uninteresting things :) So hah!

I'll put the interesting stuff first though so you can get that and move on if you'd like. The Dance Central Challenge I've been doing with Kelly Brown from The Married Gamers is on week 2. For details about this week's challenge and info on last week's (if you missed it) click on the word here. This weeks challenge is to do the same song 13 times in a row and is appropriately titled the Unlucky Challenge.

I attempted to do last weeks challenge and I will openly admit that I only did it ONE time. We're supposed to be doing it three times a week. I'm a lazy bum and I'm not denying it.

I'm also behind on this week's challenge, but at least I have a good excuse. I got an icky stomach flu. Good for my weight loss goal for the week, but not so great for the Dance Central challenges. I tried to do the 13 songs tonight, but only made it through the song 6 times. Exhaustion and frustration at my oldest daughter made me throw up my hands and give up. I WILL try again tomorrow.

Hannah, who for the most part took care of me while I was sick has reverted back to her evil ways today in full form. For those that don't know her, she's a bit of a hypochondriac. I'm SURE there are things that are wrong sometimes, but she's SOOOO dramatic about them. She can't sleep, because she itches. So I'm trying to keep her rubbed down with lotion, because it's probably just dry skin.

Today she comes home and asks me to check her for lice. I almost die, because I've had enough of that for one lifetime. I do not find buggies, but I do find lots of poorly washed hair and tons of flakes. I've shown her enough times how to wash her hair and aside from doing it myself every night I'm not sure what else to do, but every day it's something...grrr.

Also, I'm really frustrated because I was sick. I had all these plans for a "me day" on Monday with my friends and that got cancelled. I really dislike being sick, and figured I should be done with it by today and back to normal, but my body had other plans. So hopefully if I get another good night's sleep, hopefully without the strange dreams about me being part of a Charlie's Angel's style group of crime-fighting women (that was weird last night) I'll be back on track tomorrow.

Monday was supposed to be my day to get a gym membership going too, something I've been putting off for months and talking about just as long. I'm ready to get rolling on my goals for this year, although being sick really did help me stay on track :) My goal for tomorrow is to at least try to get out of the house and do at least a mini-workout.

What else was I frustrated about? Oh yeah, Hailey is on day three of not napping until late at night and I think it's my fault though so I can't complain too much.

Anyhoooo, as I expected this was an entirely boring blog. But it gave me something to do, because going to bed at 8pm is entirely too early. Bug ya later, hope you're having a good one, and blah blah blah.


  1. sorry to hear that you are sick, but i'm sure you'll have no problem achieving your fitness goals
