Thursday, April 8, 2010

9 Days - What is THAT?

Hobbes here is warning you that some parts of this blog may be considered TMI. Although I will attempt to present the information to you in a way that will not make you vomit, you may create your own visuals that I will not claim any responsibility for. You have been warned.

You're getting a 9 day post because I'm bored mostly. I guess I could have waited until the weekend to do my one week post, but it's my blog and I can blog as many time as I want to so there!

You may recall that on Tuesday I was brutally tortured by a lady claiming to be a midwife. It is now Thursday and I am still feeling crampy. Is it from the violent things she did to me? Or am I the kind of crampy that means baby is coming? I really don't know. After the cruel procedure of doom I was very miserable, and started dropping little bits of who knows what. I won't get into details. But things that don't usually come out of there. I'll leave it at that.

This morning however, I had a lovely slimy suprise waiting for me when I went to the bathroom. Sorry...I warned you. Having never seen this lovely thing with my previous pregnancies I was rather intrigued and nauseated at the same time. Even the name of what I assume this thing to be is gross so I won't type that either. Of course losing that doesn't mean that anything will happen along the lines of labor necessarily. It could still be 9 days or more. But that with the crampiness that is actually getting to my back this time COULD mean that I'm in for some fun in the next couple days.

Or not. Man, you'd think they'd have this stuff figured out down to the exact minute by now.

Well this news has excited my Mother who is a sick puppy to begin with. Who hears that and gets excited? My husband is out of town for a few days, in Jax so only a few hours away. With him went the neighbors husband. This leaves me here in town with the only other person I know, wife of neighbor who has three kids of her own. She informs me that she too is leaving town on Friday. That would leave me with just my daughter who is 10 and would be happy to drive me to the hospital she says.


Now I really really don't think anything is going to happen any time soon. It will be my luck that I go past my due date and deliver a 15 pound baby. But my Mother loves me and doesn't want me to be here alone so she is on her way here! But gets better. My Dad is coming too. When he heard my Mom was headed up I think he saw an opportunity to take some of the vacation hours that his job never seems to let him have and ran for the door. So now if the baby really doesn't come in the next couple days I'm going to feel very silly. But it's not like I told them to come, so it won't be my fault.

Mom swears that since this is my third baby she'll come quickly. I think that since it's been more than 8 years since the last one that I've probably reverted back to normal status, not third child status and that it will take forever. We'll see who's right though pretty soon I guess.

Either way 9 days isn't a lot. The panic attacks haven't kicked in yet now that I've realized I have to go through THAT again, but I'm sure they will soon.

Stay tuned for any action, or lack of action. I'll keep you all posted regardless.


  1. Was it your mucous plug? Can I say mucous plug on the radio? WAIT!!! This ain't radio this is your blog so of course I can say mucous. I feel quite relieved that mom and dad are on the way up to you, even though I am sure Hannah would have LOVED to drive you to the birthing where ever I am sure you will be in safer hands with Mom or Dad behind the wheel, and hey if they are driving the truck up it will be like the ride to the hospital the first time with Hannah. So wish I could be there for you, feel bad that I live sooooo far away right now. Keep me in the loop of your progression. <3 you.

  2. ...Or Hannah could deliver her sister herself, just like on "I didn't know I was pregnant!" That way she'd feel REALLY special bringing a new life into the world. Better than taking out a few with the family Buick. But I digress. You've got me on pins and needles on the edge of my seat and stuff. I'm there in spirit!
