Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Insomnia oh how I hate thee.

There's really not much to do at 2am. So you lay in bed, willing sleep to come. At around 4am you give up. But what on earth is there to do at 4am that won't wake the entire house? Not much really.

I've been having trouble sleeping the last few nights. Maybe it's excitement for the holidays, or stress, even though I'm not feeling very stressed anymore about what I was stressed about because really it's just dumb and not worth the effort it will take for me to constantly stress about it. Who knows. Either way it sucks. I tried staying up later last night/tonight, taking a warm bath before bed, reading a book and unwinding. None of that crap worked.

So what have I done so far to keep myself entertained in the wee hours of the night?

1.) Made decaf earl gray tea. This was entertaining for a few minutes actually. I watched the coffee cup go round and round in the microwave for a couple of minutes, then dipped the tea bag over and right? I considered downing the entire bottle of honey but just added a bit and a splash of milk and viola! Hot tea. I'm trying to convince myself this is fun. I am proud of myself for NOT eating the batch of chocolate toffee fudge I made before I went to bed.

2.) Post in pregnancy forum about insomnia. No one cares about your complaints when you're pregnant, except for other pregnant women.

3.) Convince Kitty that 4am is not breakfast time. Kitty thinks that when I get up, it's time to start her day. She purrs and circles my feet in an attempt to knock me down to the ground and eat me I think. Or she just thinks it's time to be fed. I just tell her she's fat and close myself in my office.

4.) Play on Facebook THat got old quick.

5.) Google "23 weeks pregnant" and read dozens of articles from different sites that all sound the same. Fun new symptom they present this week? INSOMNIA!

6.) Blog

Which brings me to where I am now. 5somethingish in the morning and still not tired. I have christmas cookies to bake tomorrow and don't want to be all groggy and miserable. Grrrrr.

One of the articles I read suggested this tip:
"Sit with your eyes closed and imagine a beautiful, peaceful scene (a sunset over your favorite beach, waves gently lapping the shore"...this doesn't work for me. I picture myself at this beach with this hot waiter strolling by with a tray full of coronas and pina coladas that I can't have right now. Even my attempts at dreamish thoughts are failures. Now this trick is supposed to exhaust your mind faster than say...counting sheep which is supposed to lull you into sleep by making you become bored with the repetition of little sheep bouncing over your head. I can't just think of sheep though. My sheep don't just bounce nicely in a line, they hop all over the place, they taunt me from their recliners as they lay back and chug a frosty beer and oh how I hate them.

If it wouldn't make so much noise, I'd get a start on my Christmas baking now, but noooo all I can do is either read...and my book is somewhere in the bedroom so I can't go retrieve it right now, or play on the computer. Which is going to give me amazing eye strain later in the day.

At least I know this...if YOU happen to have trouble sleeping I'm sure my blog has lulled you into a state of sleep. But at least it entertained me for a few minutes. Now I'm off...there are still about 10 dozen "23 weeks pregnant" links I haven't clicked on yet. Blah.


  1. sorry that you are having trouble staying asleep. I wish I knew a miracle cure but alas I do not. Just roll with it I guess when you get to week 24 there might be a new fun symptom that negates the lack of sleep. <3 you

  2. Like you sleep all the time everywhere. :}

    I hope you can get some sleep.

    I could say something that makes me fall asleep afterward but I don't think it's appropriate
