Sunday, October 11, 2009

Attack of the killer boobs!

Over the next few months you may experience little twinges of "TMI" (Too Much Information) overloads by reading my blog. You've been warned in advance.

After what seemed like an impossibly long amount of time of me feeling like crap, being exhausted all freaking day long, and having all day morning sickness that flared up the most in the evenings, although it was only about two months in all reality, but that SEEMED like forever! Oh my point...I feel better! I don't want to jinx myself or anything but for the last couple of days I have felt mostly normal. My appetite is still small which is probably good and will save me from blowing up like a whale...for now. If I do try to eat too much I get to enjoy the flavor of it for hours after as I burp it up. Yum!

I woke up today with almost a sense of euphoria. I'm officially 13 weeks along as of yesterday. I had the hubbie take me to the mall so I could get my first pair of maternity jeans from Motherhood Maternity. They only had one kind in a long size, but that didn't matter to me. I tried on the jeans and almost cried. Those things would feel great even if you WEREN'T pregnant! Why don't normal jeans feel like this? Get rid of the uncomfortalble waists that make your little muffing tops flop over the tops of your jeans and give us all full panel stretchy material all the way around!! So yes...this small purchase made me very happy. Bill said I should have bought two pairs, but knowing I'll get HUGE I'm waiting until I get bigger to see if they come out with a new style in a couple of months when I actually get my belly and am not just feeling bloated.

Next stop on my shopping spree?? Victoria's Secret! My favorite thing to get in the mail is the free panty cards they send out. If I'm lucky, I get my sisters free panty card too because they still go to my parents house from time to time. Double panty bonus!! But don't tell her...shhhh. So I stopped by Vic's Secret intending on just getting my free panties, but got sidetracked by the bras. I had JUST used one of those free panty cards with the $10 off a new bra not too long ago to buy a new smaller bra because I had lost 10 pounds. That bra no longer fit so I was back in my old one that looked like a thrift store reject and was killing me, and I decided that after all my years of bra wearing I now hated underwire bras. So I bought a new bra too!

The skinny cute little 12 year old working there informed me that they didn't have my size in the NON murderous underwire style that I wanted and suggested I go BIGGER so I had room to grow. Obviously anorexic Annie didn't know that no one wants to buy a bigger anything. So I took the size she suggested and a smaller one. I wish that I had thought to bring a video camera along for this because it was truly entertaining. Being the stubborn person that I am I tried to smoosh into the smaller bra. The bra laughed at me and then spit my boobs back out at me. Mind you this was a 36D bra. Not happening. So I tried on the bigger one and darn it if bulemic Betty wasn't right! It fit loosely but in a comfy way that said "Look! I have extra room for your boobies to grow into me! Aren't they going to be amazing! They'll get huge and together we'll take over the world!"

So I got the crazy huge talking bra and my free panties and there was much rejoicing.

I've also gotten a couple tops from Target and a sweater even though it's still freaking hot in Florida, but the sweater was comfy...and brown...and you know how I loves me some earth tones. I don't really need maternity clothes yet, and still I do. I'm not looking pregnant, just fatter than I already did which THRILLS me to no end. But I know it'll be coming soon.

Hannah is really excited. I was worried she might be jealous but she is full on board with this, more ready to shop than I am, ready to start picking out names. She thinks that if it's a girl it should be Hannah too because I told her that Hannah was my favorite girl name. Hopefully she'll be able to come to the ultrasound at 20 weeks too because she really is very curious about how this all works. Although it is unerrving how she keeps staring at my belly waiting for it to grow.

Anyhooo I'm definitely starting to get excited a little bit and hope that this couple days of feeling better lasts. Aside from a little belly ache as it stretches I'm feeling good. As long as I remember I can't eat a pound of food at at time I may be able to keep the heartburn in check and I guess I'll just graze like a little pregnant cow for the next few months.

1 comment:

  1. hey hey . . . .. so your sister works for a company that makes/sells bras you knit!! Oh and I gave away my free panty card the other day and kudos if they still mail one to mom and dad in my name, hook your self up!! Email me what sizes you prefer in bras and I will hook you up. Trust me, I can fill the car full of supplies by the thanksgiving holiday, just say the word. Congrats, love the new blog title.

