I created this mental stigma I use to convince myself if I do not start on my goals for fitness, diet, cleaning the house, being better organized...whatever...all of it...on Monday, I can put everything off until next Monday. I have discussed this elusive "next Monday" thing a few times for anyone who has followed my pointless ramblings on here, on Facebook, on MyFitnessPal, etc.
So here I am in that fish bowl on the right, swimming along with the other little unmotivated Monday fishies that are playing on Facebook or doing something equally unproductive. Will I make the jump today? Where can I find the inspiration?
And in asking myself these questions I realize that I already have the inspiration, I am just in denial, and maybe if I write it all out I can go back and read this blog post to get back on track. Because honestly, this is all the same stuff that pops up again and again for me and the cycle has to stop. So, how about I write out some of these excuses?
*I don't have time to work out
I could be at the free gym up the road right now. The kids are at school and all I have to do is slap on my workout clothes and go. And really...Hailey is old enough now to go play on the playground with her big sister while I workout in the building next to it. I could take the kids on a walk to the park after school, or take our fat arthritic lazy dog on a walk. I could fire up Dance Central like I told Kelly from TheMarriedGamers I would and do some challenges with her.
*I will eat better tomorrow
But...why not eat better today?
*There's no healthy food in the house, I'll go shopping tomorrow.
There are healthy things, I'd just rather eat the non-healthy ones. I always say I'm going to plan out a healthy menu for the week, go shopping and have all the things in the house to stay on track. But then I convince myself that maybe I won't want the thing I planned for dinner, so it's just easier to grab whatever I want each night from the store, but of course it gets later in the day and it's so much easier to go to Panera and not have to cook or clean...
This one...this one right here is the main killer of all motivation.
I am always going to have too many things to do, but do I feel good about myself when I sit here and do nothing? Absolutely not! But it's easy for me to sit here and get bogged down by my to do list. Right now I am not happy with myself for getting off track on my goals. The yard needs mowed, my garden is a wreck, the house needs cleaned, laundry needs done, there are a million things I could be doing for my website The Mommy Gamers to make it better, I could be trying to earn money with my Thirty-One business that I have kind of left stagnant, and I think if I continue to make this list I might have a panic attack.

Even my website logo is annoying me today, how is she juggling all these things and still SMILING? I want to punch her in her face.
So instead of doing anything, I do nothing. Time to break the cycle. If you have suggestions of what works for you PLEASE share them with me. I'm tasking myself with not saying "I'll try" and instead will actually DO things today.
I already logged into MyFitnessPal, logged the breakfast I shouldn't have eaten, stopped avoiding the bathroom scale and logged my weight. I gave myself a brief moment to mourn the weight I had lost and gained back, and to be disappointed in myself for eating like a hog this morning. I can't go back and undo anything I've done, I can only move forward.
Can I get all the yardwork done in one day? No, but I can write down everything I would like to do and start ticking things off the list, or I could create an Indiegogo project and raise the money to hire someone to do it for me lol. Anyone want to chip in on that? My stretch goal would be a hottub and a tiki bar :)
But really, I think making a list might help, a realistic list that doesn't have to be all done in one week. Seriously though people, share your ideas with me because whatever it is that I am currently NOT doing is absolutely NOT working for me.
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