Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How freaking BORED am I?

Having raised two children (mostly) already as (mostly) a single mom I am enjoying a different experience this time around. I say mostly a single mom because even though I had to work when I had Hannah, I lived with my parents. I am realizing now how absolutely awesome that was. I worked full time, I got to go out pretty often, they got up with the baby in the middle of the night with me, and I got to go to the gym an hour a day almost every day. Holy cow was I spoiled! I wish they could come live with me again. I was all gung ho about hitting the gym after the baby and there's just not enough time! I feel like I have ZERO time for me. Bill's schedule is crazy and what is the point of going to the gym one or two days a week when you're dogg asss tired from getting up in the middle of the night with the baby and only averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep a night and not uninterrupted sleep at that.

So, to quote the words of any intelligent child...I want my Mommy & Daddy! LOL

Anyone who thinks that life as a stay at home mom is easier than being a working mom is crazy. If anything it's harder and lonlier and feels less rewarding even though I wouldn't want to miss any part of Hailey growing up. I just miss getting to be me from time to time. Ok...all the time. It's also hard staying home alone with a baby while your husband flies off to Key West or to stay at a house in the Hamptons for the weekend and all you get to do is sit around and be drooled on. But as I have been told that is the life of a Mom. Can I have someone else's life for a day??

Aside from the sleep deprivation, the lack of time for myself, my inability to lose the last ten pounds of baby fat, and my insane lonliness...I'm actually doing quite well thanks for asking! I went and got my hair done recently. Back to blonde! The chick hacked off so much of my hair that it is now really easy to fix, but not entirely the most attractive thing I've ever seen. Oh well. No one's looking at me anyway right? I'd love to lose that last bit of weight before PAX in September but that would require me to stop eating crap and stick to a diet that I have all the tools to be successful with. I need some motivation.

Hailey is 3 months old today and doing really well. She's a very high maintenance baby which makes it hard to get anything done. Most days my schoolwork (still going full time!) and housework gets pushed aside so I can play on the ground with her or just talk to her...I have to talk to someone right? And I'm trying to cram in some gaming time but it's hard. This week I've been playing Lego Harry Potter which is super fun. I tried to have Hannah help me but she really is just frustrating to game with. Hannah shoot the spider, Hannah shoot the spider, fine I'll shoot the spider. You have to get the coins, Hannah for the love of God get the coins, I don't want to have to do the level over just to get "True Wizard" we need the coins! I've found that if I leave the game on, I can play a level or two in between Haileys extremely short daily naps. It's better than nothing I guess.

So what does a bored housewife do with her free time?? Hahaha...free time...yeah right. Well she watches a lot of HGTV and starts eyeing her furniture thinking if I have to stare at this ugly crap all day long I'm going to lose it! So that brings me to the couch picture at the top of this blog post. That is our loveseat with the ugly pillows that came with it (and the couch) and I have hated them the whole time, but I like the red furniture. So Hailey and I took a trip to JoAnn's Fabrics and spent a ridiculous amount of time picking out new fabric to recover the pillows.
The end result?? Much cuter!
Or at least I think so and considering I'm the one that has to stare at it all day, my opinion is the only one that matters.

I'm not sure what my next project will be, but that one was fairly quick and rewarding.

Next adventure?? Aunt Jen is coming to visit for a week so maybe I'll blog again after that...but most likely it will be another month.


  1. Aunt Jen will bring some excitement, and maybe we can go on early morning walks too? Who knows we can pretend it is "jen boot camp"...can't wait to see you tomorrow.

  2. Hey Marcia, Don't forget to read and comment on our Get fit blog. It'll help motivate you!
