Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hailey is here!

I apologize for my lack of better pictures. I've been very busy the last four days snuggling my new baby. Hailey Michelle Webb was born at 3:11am on Tuesday April 13th. She weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces, my biggest baby yet and 19 3/4 inches. She aced her first exam, getting a 9 out of 10 on her apgar, and aside from a little newborn baby rash, and some jaundice levels that cleared up by the time we left the hospital...she's perfect.

I bet you're wondering how I went from my 5 day I think I'm peeing my pants blog to baby is here blog. I suppose the tinkling wasn't tinkling. After picking Hannah up from school on Monday I layed down to relax. Shortly thereafter I wet my pants. Ew. Change undies, lay back down. Wet them again. Ew. Start to get excited when there is more wet. Bounce a little to see if it's really what I think it is. Tell Hannah. Call Hubbie, call mom, call neighbor to get Hannah. Got rid of Hannah in about 5 minutes, and was off to the hospital within the hour.

I won't go into all the gory delivery details. No one wants to hear that. Except for Gina probably who is just a sick puppy to begin with. I was still only 1cm dilated though, so they started the pitocin going, but slowly. Someone forgot to inform me that I had tested positive for group b strep and had to have a few bags of penicillin IV's as well, those hurt by the way. Stuff started rolling and hurting and the nurse gave me something to "take the edge off". All it did was make my back stop hurting which was nice, but then she cranked up the pitocin and that 2 minutes of relief turned into insane contraction fun.

I finally got to the point where I asked Bill to go get the nurse. She asked again about my stupid pain level on a 1 - 10 and I said "If it gets any worse I'm going to jump out that window right there please make it stop". Then the epidural man came to visit. The process of getting an epidural while having monstrous pitocin induced contractions is really about the worst thing in the entire world. Yes it's better when it's done, but getting there is misery.

So the guy tells me that epidurals have changed in the last 8 years since I've had a kid and that your legs get less numb. The guy lied. By the time I was ready to push I could not lift my legs to get them up in the fun position. I couldn't feel them at all and I thought they were going to break or something from flopping over. I never felt that pressure to push, but did when I was told to and apparently pushed like a champ, although I couldn't feel it, which really was kind of nice I guess. Out she came and I was like...oh, really? Ok.

Turns out the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck not once, but twice. But that didn't bother anything in the least. Apparently I had the longest umbilical cord in history so it wasn't choking her or anything. The nurse getting the rest of that out of me was rather shocked at how much there was. Glad I could entertain them.

We had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours after, even though Hailey didn't have any issues with the group b strep, it's their policy and couldn't be changed. So I hung out, watched lots of TV, laid around with my ass half asleep from the horribly uncomfortable bed, and snuggled baby. She really wasn't very fussy at all. I still got hardly any sleep of course between staring at her, and every time I did manage to fall asleep some nurse came in to poke at her or check on me or houskeeping came in, or breakfast, lunch, etc. Luckily those mom hormones kept me rolling. Hubbie however needed his sleep...poor guy was exhausted so he went home to rest. No point in everyone being miserable, right?

Mom made it just in time, immediately after my epidural and got to see the wonder of childbirth from the recieving end for the first time ever and she didn't even pass out. She helped out a ton with Hannah who is still just thrilled with her new sister and can't believe how beautiful she is. And she truly is beautiful. Her little frankenstein head is getting normal now, she has some lovely brown hair, and we can't wait to see what color her eyes end up. Brown probably.

I'm feeling wonderful, thanks for asking. I don't remember feeling so great after having a baby before. I think it has a lot to do with stress levels. I'm so very unstressed. I have a great husband who seems to really be smitten with his new daughter and is more helpful than I imagined any Dad could be. I haven't really had the best experiences with that kind of stuff. He is still a guy though. He has napped more in one day than I have all But he's been working hard...wait...he's on maternity leave... well he's been um...he has to deal with me and I'm sure that's exhausting.

I am loving having a baby this time though. Not that I didn't especially love it the last two times, but I really don't feel like I got to enjoy it because my life just plain sucked before. Now I don't have to rush back to a job, don't have little ones to take care of. Hannah is a great big sister and helper. I have Bill who is like having another child to take care of, but more helpful :) I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night (YET) because I just want to enjoy every moment. Her dad on the other hand asked me today when babies can start getting on a sleep schedule.

Not at four days old honey...sorry.

And I really don't mind getting up. Who would want to rush through this stage? This is the very last time (I HOPE) that I'll be snuggling a new baby. They don't stay new for long. She will get bigger every single day and I just want to enjoy it.

I haven't had time to play any video games lately. Well, that's a lie, I have had time, but I haven't wanted to. I've just been relaxing and staring at my girl. Heck...I haven't even had a beer or a glass of wine. I was a little dissapointed that there wasn't any waiting for me when I got home from the hospital. No flowers from my hubbie, no favorite bottle of wine...not even a single frosty longneck bottle of Bud Light and a rose. Then again, he's never been much of a romantic. And besides, I don't really feel like drinking anyway...the pain killers they gave me are fun enough for

Ok I promise to take some cute pictures today and upload them. But for now I'm going to go stare at Hailey some more.

Thanks for following me through my exciting journey guys and girls. Now you get to be tortured with a million baby updates :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Now you can re-name your blog to something else like Confessions of the happiest mommy in the world!
